We take a holistic approach, understanding that all parts are connected, assembling a bespoke process for each project. The journey is playful and often surprising, a combination of art, science and play.
What’s the big idea, need or aspiration? This is where we help shape the project vision and set out the road map. We will often ask difficult questions to ensure the brief is robust and will deliver what a client really needs. Through this process, the rationale, philosophy, and purpose of the project vision becomes firmly anchored.
Engaging the visitors, audiences or community to help excite, include, understand and shape the project leads to a much deeper connection and sense of ownership. Studio Hardie run a range of activities and workshops with nomadic equipment that help us hear, test, challenge and co-design, building trust, support and tackling difficult issues.
This is the really creative stage, where we make connections and explore laterally. Although each project has its own process, expect to be taken on a journey that will bring together function, aesthetic, materials and meaning. We’ll produce often surprising ideas, testing the limits, then work with the client to hone.
Here we evolve and rigorously refine the concept. We test and make the designs work, shaping and defining them until they have integrity, are fit for purpose and are non-gratuitous, cutting away the unnecessary and ensuring all elements of the brief are realised in the design.
During this stage we bring the workshop and design team together to ensure that expertise in make is integrated throughout the design. This process predicts and eliminates potential risks, ensuring that all parts work holistically. Technical design is not only a scientific process, the latent content and meaning within a project needs to be considered along with each nut and bolt.
Now the workshop team take charge, using a combination of traditional hand make and cutting-edge technology. The workshop evolves and improves the designs as the team bring their own expertise to the execution. We prefabricate, try and test all our components and structures in the controlled workshop environment, reducing time and disruption on site. Expect speed, quality and attention to detail.
One of the advantages of delivering a whole project is the install team have been involved from conception. We run considerate, efficient and safe sites. The unusual nature of our builds often leads to a dramatic and newsworthy spectacle.
Our relationship doesn’t end once the project is complete and all certification is finalised. Studio Hardie continues to provide aftercare, maintenance and additions. Then, as we often forge on-going relationships with our clients, it’s back to concept for the next project.